N403 - Vehicle Marshall
The N403 Vehicle Marshall course is delivered using a mixture of both classroom based tutorial and practical marshalling, testing and a final course assessment.
Course Summary
Responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and other relevant legislation and guidelines
Pre operational checks
Guidance and movement of vehicles
Manoeuvre vehicle to complete a task
Reverse a vehicle into a position to tip
Monitoring and directing traffic
Safely guide vehicle to designated parking position
Course Duration
Novice: Where full training is required. 3 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor: Duration : 1 day
Refresher and Tests: Where candidates require refresher training and may need some remedial tuition. 3 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor: 1 Day
Our construction plant courses can be delivered with either NPORS or our own in-house accreditation. On successful completion of the course candidates will therefore receive certification per their preference.